Laura Ogar
Book Indexing Services
The Importance of a Good Index
​​​​As a voracious reader of nonfiction, the index is one of the first things I turn to when evaluating a book. An index is a map for the traveler, the newcomer, as well as a detailed guide for one who already has some sense of the terrain.
"A good index retains the author's terminology, while anticipating the language of readers that may differ from that of the author, and anticipates the expectations of different readers." - Nancy Mulvany, Indexing Books
"A nonfiction book without an index has no heft. I pay it no attention. When I am deciding on whether to review or have a book reviewed, I check the index to get a good idea of what's covered in the book to help me decide." - Arthur Salm, author and former book review editor
"With a poor index, or none at all, a nonfiction book is often overlooked, discarded, or not taken seriously by readers, librarians, professors, and book reviewers, resulting in loss of sales. After all the effort that goes into the writing, how unfortunate that would be. Perhaps even worse, it goes to press with an index that embarrasses both author and publisher." - Madge Walls, "Author as Indexer: The Good, The Bad and the Possible"​​
"As for indexers, I worship at their feet. Indexing is an art that few have mastered. Their expertise at determining how a user will search for information can bring immense improvement to the usability of your final product. Better usability results in fewer technical support calls, more productive customers, and a fatter bottom line. These are all good things, and they more than make up for what you spend on the indexer." - Mary Deaton and Cheryl Lockett Zubak